February |
April 13 (6:00am) |
April 25 |
April begins the island season. All the ferries going to and from the Oslo fjords are running again. Barbecuing on an engangsgrill (disposable grill) is a popular thing to do, so we have been enjoying the nice weather and grilling pølse at the islands or at Sognsvann Lake. Our last BBQ involved roasting marshmallows (the euro kids don't do these kind of things. I sometimes wonder about their childhoods) The spring weather has also opened up the streets to flea markets and loppemarkeds. A lot of primary schools host flea markets on the weekends. The ones you find in the downtown east end are even bigger, but they look more like thief markets. A friend from Belgian who studied with us in first semester came to visit us one week, so we went to see this fantastic exhibit at the National Museum (http://blip.tv/file/4598907), ate A LOT of free ice cream at the new Ben & Jerry's that opened on Karl Johans Gate, and went to see a ballet at the Opera (http://www.operaen.no/Default.aspx?ID=27239&ProductID=PROD457) which was one of the most amazing performances I have ever seen. Easter break was spent in Oslo. We were outside everyday and did a hiking and overnight camping trip in the woods just outside the city. Oslo was like a ghost town Easter weekend. Thursday, Friday, Sunday, and Monday were all considered holidays, so the city basically shut down.
This weekend I go to Stockholm, Sweden!!!
As much as it scares me that April is coming to an end already, I am very excited for May. May will be my final full month in Norway so I plan to make the best of it. On May 17th is the Norwegian National Day. There will be a parade leading from the Royal Palace and a lot of celebrations. This is the day when Norwegians don their bunads. Bunads are the traditional Norwegian folk costume. The woman's bunad is the most famous because it is very beautifully made-- hand made/embroidered and adorned with gold and silver jewelry (usually given as a confirmation gift), and very expensive! The National Day is also a big celebration day for the graduating High schoolers, who celebrate Russ. Even though it's still April, the high school kids have already started wearing their russ overalls.
"The russefeiring (russ celebration) is the traditional Norwegian videregående skole (equivalent to high school) graduation ceremony. Participants in this ceremony are known as russ. The russefeiring traditionally starts on the 1st of May and ends on the 17th of May, the Norwegian national day. Participants wear coloured overalls, drive matching cars, vans, or buses, and celebrate almost continually during this period. Promiscuous sex, drunkenness and public disturbance on a mass scale has been the most prominent impact of the celebration in recent decades." [from Wikipedia]
This year's scandals can be read here...