Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

17th Mai, 2011: Norway's National Day!!!

in my Norwegian sweater yayaya

Free breakfast of salmon, eggs, and waffles at campus with strawberries and wine...
Great start to the day

on the way down to the parade!
National Theatret


Crowds celebrating at the Royal Palace
SO many cute Norwegian children in the folk costumes!

View of the parade down Karl Johans Gate!

The Royal Family!!

Kringsjå kids

my friend Anna after her choir's performance, she got to borrow a Bunad for the event!



Free concert in Grünerløkka at Kuba-parken
afternoon naps in the grass :)

mmmmmmmmmmmmm and then a Vietnamese lunch :P

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Beautiful Bergen with me, myself, and I

On the train to Bergen... through Hordaland County

a few hours into the train ride...
on top of the fjords

all the way at the very top at Finse!
Finse Station is the highest station on the Norwegian railway line at 1,222 meters up

Finse is also home to the Hardangerjøkulen glacier

back down and back into the never-ending green

in Bergen!


views of Bergen up at Mount Fløyen


Troll Forest


The Naked Baby... in Bergen





at one of the modern art exhibitions,
Take Me to Your Leader
! The Great Escape into Space,
at the Bergen Art Museum (Stenersen)


Bergenhus Fortress

trying to capture the night views from my couchsurfer's apartment

Gardens behind the Museum of Natural History

the train ride back to Oslo